Black Reels Film Festival, 4th and 5th September 2021

Film Festival

September 4, 2021

Film Festival

The Black Reels Film Festival (BRFF) is an event for Black filmmakers and film lovers to connect and share.

At the BRFF, you can expect to watch a plethora of diverse short films and stories that will leave you wanting more. We hope that you can see yourself reflected in these works, which explore topics like love, movement, connection, queerness, identity and more.

You can choose to attend the following Short Film sections: "Love and Freedom," "We Invented Embodiment," and "The Work We Do." Our Feature Film section will show "The Education of Auma Obama" by director and Associate Professor at UC Davis, Branwen Okpako.

Additionally, we invite you to attend the world premiere of the two short films created during our first ever Black Reels Filmmaking Workshop, "Falling into the Light" and "Oil on Water." Afterward, the workshop participants, Black filmmakers from throughout Germany, will hold a panel discussion to share the experience.

We will also host panel discussions with Black filmmakers based in Germany.

Come to network, connect, exchange, and experience films where we are in control of our narrative, behind and in front of the lens.

Register today! Limited capacity and quantity. Copy and paste this link to select the sections you would like to attend: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/black-reels-film-festival-tickets-164840025955.

Meet the Black Reels Film Festival Curatorial Team:

Karina Griffith - Curatorial Lead

Kameron Locke - Project Lead

Osman Muhktar - Project Assistant

Charlotte Sohst - Project Manager


Samstag, 04.09

Anlass, 14.00

"Spielfilm von Branwen Okpako": 90 Minuten, 14.30-16.00

Pause 16.00-16.30

"Liebe und Freiheit, Teil 1": 60 Minuten, 16.30-17.30

Pause 17.30-17.45

"Liebe und Freiheit, Teil 2": 60 Minuten, 17.45-18.45

Pause 18.45-19.45

"Wir haben die Verkörperung erfunden": 60 Minuten, 19.45-20.45

Abschlussveranstaltung, 20.45-23.00

Sonntag, 05.09

"Meet and Greet Brunch," 2 Std und 30 Min,12.30-15.00

Pause 15.00-16.00

"Die Arbeit, die wir tun": 90 Minuten, 16.00-17.30

Pause 17.30-18.00

"Black Reels Kurzfilme + Podiumsdiskussion": 90 Minuten, 18.00-19.30

Abschlussveranstaltung,  2 Std und 30 Min,19.30-22.00


"The Education of Auma Obama von Branwen Okpako"

"Liebe und Freiheit"

HDGDL von Sarah Claire Wray (2021, Berlin, 12 Min.)

Außerhalb des Aquarium von Alex Mello (2021, Köln/Bonn, 25 Min.)

Mon Pays von Timmi Kwanku Davis (2019, Berlin, 18 Min.)

planet portals: breath von Nicky Chue (2020, Berlin/London, 4 Min.)

Freed Nature von Folashade Lena Niomi Sy (2020, Wien, 25 Min.)

Respringendo von Denise Ekale Kum (2019, Germany, 19 Min.)

"Wir haben die Verkörperung erfunden"

Live chile! von Rhea Ramjohn (2020, Berlin, 4 Min. 30 Sek.)

Black is Me von Elliot Blue (2017,  Berlin, 4 Min.)

GOD’S WORK von Tafa Henry (2020, Los Angeles, 4 Min.)

Yagi’s Kaleideskop von Yergalem Taffere (2021, Berlin, 13 Min.)

Protective Style von Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes (2020, Wien/Amsterdam, 15 Min.)

Memories of Reincarnated Imaginings von Nasheeka Nedsreal (2021, Berlin, 14 Min.)

"Die Arbeit, die wir tun"

schwarz von Amuna Wagner (2020, Kairo/Nürnberg, 49 Min.)

I HAVE A DREAM von Nancy Granaky Quaye (2021,  Köln, 21 Min.)

Black Art Action Berlin - Art Action von BAAB (2020, Berlin, 4 Min. 15 Sek.)

The Gallery von Saudia Young (2020, Berlin/New York, 5 Min.)

"Black Reels Kurzfilme"

Falling into the Light von Black Reels Filmmaking Workshop participants (2021, Berlin, 15 Min.)

Oil on Water von Black Reels Filmmaking Workshop participants (2021, Berlin, 23 Min.)

***COVID-19 Bestimmungen: Wir bitten dich, vor dem Betreten von ACUD MACHT NEU entweder einen negativen COVID-19-Antigentest nachzuweisen oder den Nachweis zu erbringen, dass dich die COVID-19-Impfung erhalten haben (x2 Impfungen). Außerdem müssen auf dem gesamten Gelände Masken getragen werden.

***Außerdem möchten wir, dass der BRFF vor allem für Schwarze Communities in Deutschland zugänglich ist, daher ist der Ticketpreis "spendenbasiert". Wir würden diese Arbeit gerne auch in Zukunft fortsetzen, also spendet bitte, was ihr könnt. Jeder Betrag ist willkommen.

***Die gesprochenen Dialoge der einzelnen Filme sind entweder auf Deutsch, Englisch oder Französisch.

***Die Filme sind entweder mit deutschen oder englischen Untertiteln versehen.

***Wenn ihr an der Podiumsdiskussion teilnehmen möchtet, aber eine Hörunterstützung benötigt, sendet uns bitte eine E-Mail an blackartactionberlin@gmail.com.

***ACUD Macht Neu ist barrierefrei, wenn ihr aber eine Mobilitätshilfe benötigt, dann sendet uns bitte eine E-Mail an blackartactionberlin@gmail.com, wenn ihr hierzu weitere Informationen wünscht.

Besucht  uns unter blackartactionberlin.de oder folgt uns auf unserer Instagram-Seite @blackartaction, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Das Black Reels Projekt wird finanziell unterstützt durch den Fonds Soziokultur e.V. NEUSTART KULTUR, Medienboard Berlin-Bradenburg GmbH und Interflugs. Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V. ist der Kooperationspartner für das Black Reels Project. Visuelles Design von Ford Kelly.



Saturday, 04.09

Entry, 14.00

"The Education of Auma Obama by Branwen Okpako": 90 Minutes, 14.30-16.00

Pause 16.00-16.30

"Love and Freedom, Part 1":  60 Minutes,16.30-17.30

Pause 17.30-17.45

"Love and Freedom, Part 2": 60 Minutes,17.45-18.45

Pause 18.45-19.45

"We Invented Embodiment": 60 Minutes, 19.45-20.45

Closing Gathering, 2 Hours  and15 Mins, 20.45-23.00

Sunday, 05.09

"Meet and Greet Brunch," 2 Hours and 30 Mins, 12.30-15.00

Pause 15.00-16.00

"The Work  We Do": 90 Minutes, 16.00-17.30

Pause 17.30-18.00

"Black Reels Short Films + Panel Discussion": 90 Minuten, 18.00-19.30

Closing Gathering,  2 Hours and 30 Mins, 19.30-22.00


"The Education of Auma Obama by Branwen Okpako"

"Love and Freedom"

HDGDL by Sarah Claire Wray (2021, Berlin, 12 Min.)

Außerhalb des Aquarium by Alex Mello (2021, Cologne/Bonn, 25 Min.)

Mon Pays by Timmi Kwanku Davis (2019, Berlin, 18 Min.)

planet portals: breath by Nicky Chue (2020, Berlin/London, 4 Min.)

Freed Nature by Folashade Lena Niomi Sy (2020, Vienna, 25 Min.)

Respringendo by Denise Ekale Kum (2019, Germany, 19 Min.)

"We Invented Embodiment"

Live chile! by Rhea Ramjohn (2020, Berlin, 4 Min. 30 Sec.)

Black is Me by Elliot Blue (2017,  Berlin, 4 Min.)

GOD’S WORK by Tafa Henry (2020, Los Angeles, 4 Min.)

Yagi’s Kaleideskop by Yergalem Taffere (2021, Berlin, 13 Min.)

Protective Style by Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes (2020, Vienna/Amsterdam, 15 Min.)

Memories of Reincarnated Imaginings by Nasheeka Nedsreal (2021, Berlin, 14 Min.)

"The Work We Do"

schwarz by Amuna Wagner (2020, Cairo/Nuremberg, 49 Min.)

I HAVE A DREAM by Nancy Granaky Quaye (2021,  Cologne, 21 Min.)

Black Art Action Berlin - Art Action by BAAB (2020, Berlin, 4 Min. 15 sec)

The Gallery by Saudia Young (2020, Berlin/New York, 5 Min.)

"Black Reels Short Films"

Falling into the Light by Black Reels Filmmaking Workshop participants (2021, Berlin, 15 Min.)

Oil on Water by Black Reels Filmmaking Workshop participants (2021, Berlin, 23 Min.)

***COVID-19 Regulations: We ask that you provide either proof of a negative COVID-19 Antigen test or proof that you have received the COVID-19 vaccination (x2 shots) before entering ACUD MACHT NEU. Additionally, masks must be worn throughout the premises.

***Additionally, we want the BRFF to be accessible, especially for Germany's Black communities, thus the ticket price is "donation-based." With that, we'd love to continue to do this work in the future, so please donate what you can. Any amount is welcomed.

***The spoken dialogue for each film is in either German, English, or French.

***The films have either German or English subtitles.

***If you would like to attend the panel discussion, but require hearing assistance, please email us at blackartactionberlin@gmail.com.

***ACUD Macht Neu is accessible if you require mobility assistance. Please email us at blackartactionberlin@gmail.com if you would like more information.

Visit us at blackartactionberlin.de or follow our Instagram page @blackartaction to stay connected.

The Black Reels Project is supported in funding by Fonds Soziokultur e.V. NEUSTART KULTUR, Medienboard Berlin-Bradenburg GmbH, and Interflugs. Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V. is the Kooperationspartner for the Black Reels Project. Visual designed by Ford Kelly.er

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